Monday, February 28, 2011

Previewing Balance Gadgets

In addition to balance-specific exercises, you can find some helpful gadgets for training balance at equipment specialty stores. Three catalogs, Fitness Wholesale (800-537-5512), SPRI® (800-222-7774), and Power Systems® (800-321-6975), all sell these gadgets through their catalogs and through their online Web sites. Many of these training tools come with helpful manuals that demonstrate exercises.
One of my favorite is a balance board, a round board balanced on a knob or a ball. You stand on this and balance in a variety of oneand two-legged positions. With her background as a yoga and Pilates trainer, Shirley loves stability balls, foam rollers, and the BOSU®. Available worldwide, the BOSU is a dome-shaped training product that can be used right side up or upside down. That is why its name comes from “both sides up.” The BOSU comes with great workout routines.

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