Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Plank Exercise

The plank is a basic core stabilization exercise that works your abs, back, glutes, and shoulder stabilizer muscles.
Do the easiest version if you have any shoulder discomfort.

Getting set
Lie facedown with your knees bent. Place your elbows under your shoulders. Slide your shoulders down and lengthen the back of your neck so your ears are in line with your shoulders. Gently pull your abdominals inward. See photo A.

The exercise
As you exhale, curl your toes under and push up onto the balls of your feet.
Avoid arching your upper or lower back. Work up to a 30-second hold.

Do’s and don’ts
  • DO keep your abdominals pulled in so you feel more tension in your abs and so you don’t overarch your lower back or pop out your ribs.
  • DO keep your shoulders down and your neck lengthened. Avoid hunching your shoulders.
  • DON’T lift your butt in the air and rest your weight on your legs.

Other options
Plank on knees (easier): Lift up on your knees, keeping your abs and glutes tight and your spine lengthened. Supporting a shorter length is easier for the core stabilizers.
One-legged plank (harder): Keep your torso parallel to the ground. Lift one leg. Work up to a 30-second hold. To make it even more difficult, pick up and extend the opposite arm as you also hold up one leg.

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