Saturday, July 31, 2010

Side plank

The side plank conditions core stabilizers, especially the muscles that support the shoulder girdle and lower back.
Use caution if you’re prone to shoulder discomfort.

Getting set
Recline on your left side, left hand palm down under your shoulder. Place your top right hand in front of your body. Keep your torso perpendicular to the ground, relax your shoulders, and pull in your abdominals.

The exercise
Push into your left hand and lift your hips up into a side plank position. Work up to a 30-second hold.

Do’s and don’ts
  • DO keep your shoulders down and neck lengthened. Don’t hunch or collapse into your shoulder.
  • DO continue to breathe normally as you hold the position. Avoid holding your breath.
  • DO move smoothly and with control.
  • DON’T collapse your chest forward or lean backward. Keep your torso perpendicular to the floor.

Other options
Modified side plank (easier): Start with your right elbow under your shoulder and with your lower leg bent at a right angle at the knee. Keep the top leg long and straight.

Side plank lifts: Instead of holding the elevated position for 30 seconds, lift and lower your hips and work up to 12 repetitions.

One-legged side plank (harder): When you reach the elevated position, pick your top leg off the floor and hold it straight at hip height.

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