Saturday, July 31, 2010

All fours spinal stabilization

All fours spinal stabilization is an excellent exercise to condition postural muscles and to prevent lower back pain.
If you have wrist pain when you put your palms on the ground, try doing the exercise on your closed fists.

Getting set
Kneel on all fours in a tabletop position with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Slide your shoulders down. Pull your abdominals in.

The exercise
Lift and extend opposite arm and leg out straight. Keep your chest and hips parallel to the ground. Lower your arm and leg back to start. Repeat with other arm and leg.

Do’s and don’ts
  • DO concentrate on keeping your torso parallel to the ground.
  • DON’T hunch your shoulders or arch your back.

Other options
Spinal stabilization arms only or legs only (easier): Instead of simultaneously lifting the opposite arm and leg, only lift alternating arms. Repeat, only lifting alternating legs.
Spinal stabilization same side arm and leg (harder): Instead of lifting your opposite arm and leg, lift the arm and leg on the same side.

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