Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bent knee side crunch

The bent knee side crunch challenges your obliques to work together with all of your abdominal muscles.

Getting set
Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-width apart and flat on the floor. Drop both of your knees to one side and keep your legs stacked together. Place both hands behind your head without lacing your fingers. Place thumbs at base of skull. See photo A.

The exercise
Curl straight upward keeping your legs together and drawing your ribs toward your hips. Lower back down. Do all the repetitions on one side and then switch to the other side. See photo B.

Do’s and don’ts
  • DO keep torso rotated at the waist and legs together.
  • DO keep your head, neck, and shoulders relaxed.
  • DO move slowly and take the time to feel your abs working.
  • DON’T pull on your neck or touch your elbow to your knee.
Other options
Weighted bent knee side crunch (harder): Hold a lightweight plate or dumbbell
on your chest, or for an even greater challenge, hold a weight on top of or behind your head. Just don’t press the plate down too hard.

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