Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Putting Together Your Quickie Routine

Observe the following points each time that you train.
  • Always warm up. Even for a quick workout, you need to prepare your body for more rigorous work. Walk briskly for five minutes before you exercise. This warm-up includes walking quickly around the house, the yard, or in the parking lot at the office.
  • Work all major muscle groups. Be sure to do exercises for your upper body, your lower body, and your core a minimum of twice a week.
  • Apply program variables. Even for short workouts, training frequency, exercise selection, order, amount of weight, number of reps, number of sets, and your rest periods are all still important components. Just because you’re doing a quickie workout does not mean that you can throw all the weight training principles out the window. All the rules still apply.
  • Train in one minute sets. In general, one set of a particular exercise takes approximately one minute. If each rep requires two seconds up, a brief pause, and two seconds down, plan on five to six seconds per rep. Therefore, a set of 10-12 reps takes roughly one minute.
  • Alternate upper and lower body exercises. When you want to reduce the waiting time during rest periods, switch between upper and lower body exercises so that one part of your body rests while the other works. Save your core exercises for last.
  • Mix in stretching exercises. To be even more efficient, use your rest periods for stretches that target the muscle that you just worked. You can stretch your body all throughout the workout, and you won’t need extra time for a stretching segment at the end.

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